Facultatea de Litere - Universitatea din Craiova


Facultatea de Litere


Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Philology, English

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Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Philology, English invites authors to submit contributions in English to the e-mail address: ucv.philology.english@gmail.com

Deadline for submissions: July 15th every year

To be accepted for publication, the submissions must be original and not previously published. 

The manuscripts are peer-reviewed by experts who work in the same field, and they can be accepted without revision, with major/minor revisions, or rejected. The authors invited to revise their contributions have to submit the revised papers within the required time limit.

No more than one third of the authors published in the journal are from the same institution.

Style sheet  and  Template

COPYRIGHT POLICY: Contributors are fully responsible for the originality of their papers and for the accuracy of their references. Following the selection process, contributors will be asked to sign an exclusive license agreement, to preserve copyright but license exclusive rights in their article to the publisher.