Faculty of Letters – University of Craiova


Faculty of Letters

‘Speak the Speech’ Monologue Contest

The Department of British, American and German Studies of the Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, is launching a new student competition to mark 453 years from the birth of the world’s greatest playwright, William Shakespeare, on 23 April 1564.

The event is dedicated to both high school and university students who are invited to deliver a monologue or soliloquy from one of William Shakespeare’s plays.

Participants are required to video-record their contributions using their mobile devices in one of the most theatrical locations in their towns. The recordings, accompanied by a caption describing the choice of location, will be sent to ucvenglezagermana@gmail.com by April 23rd 2017.

Our judge for the ‘Speak the Speech’ 2017 Monologue Contest is award-winning director, producer and educator Dr. Rick St. Peter of Clemson University, in South Carolina, currently a Fulbright scholar with the Faculty of Letters’ Department of British, American and German Studies and the Performing Arts Department.

The suggested texts are the following:

Hamlet, ‘To be or not to be …’ ( Hamlet Act 3, scene 1)
Mark Antony, ‘Friends, Romans, Countrymen …’ (Julius Caesar Act 3, scene 2)
Jacques, ‘All the world's a stage …’ (As You Like It, Act 2, scene 7)
Juliet, ‘Gallop apace you fiery footed steeds …’ (Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, scene 2)
Kate, ‘Fie, fie unknit that threatening unkind brow …’ (Taming of the Shrew, Act 5, scene 2)
Portia, ‘The quality of mercy is not strain'd …’ (The Merchant of Venice, Act 4, scene 1)

All competitors and their coordinating teachers will receive participation certificates. The best three monologues or soliloquies in each category - high school and university students - will be awarded.


More information will be available on the Department of British, American and German Studies’ website (http://litere.ucv.ro/dsaag/) and its official Facebook page.